March 30, 2023 all-day

Basic Rights and Developing an IEP & 504 Plan Boston Special Education Parent Advisory CouncilWebinar, March 30th, 2023, with the Arc of Greater Haverhill Newburyport.Presenter: Johanne Pino, Massachusetts Advocates for Children.
* This workshop will provide an overview regarding the special education requirements of student with disabilities and the supports and servicesthey are entitled to receive a free and appropriate public education. * This workshop addresses legal standards, the special education process,parent and student participation rights, and evaluation rights.

Hosted by The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport.
To register or for more information visit https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejmcan1x5b955227&oseq=&c=&ch=   or contact Andrea.Morris@TheArcofGHN.org or (978) 373-0552 x211

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