January 30, 2023 all-day

Autism Support Groups for Portuguese Speaking Families in MassachusettsWebinar, 30 de janeiro, com a Autism Alliance of Natick, MA.  Famílias de língua portuguesa são convidadas a participar de um grupo de apoio virtual mensal para conhecer novas famílias e compartilhar as alegrias e desafios de criar uma criança no espectro do autismo e aprender sobre as informações e recursos mais recentes sobre autismo.
* Este grupo é liderado pelos membros e convidados da equipe de pais/profissionais da Autism Alliance.
* Portuguese Speaking Families are invited to join this monthly virtual support group to meet new families and share the joys and challenging of raising a child on the autism spectrum and learn about the latest autism information and resources.
* This group is led by the Autism Alliance Parent/Professional team members and guests.
To register or for more information visit www.autismalliance.org/events/portuguese-speaking-virtual-support-group  or contact (508) 652-9900 AutismAlliance@Advocates.org.

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