February 8, 2025 all-day

American Sign Language Disability Images 4231800902 (5)Deafblindness Family Learning Series in Boston MassachusettsWebinar, February 8th, 2025,with Boston Children’s Hospital Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program. The virtual Ask an Audiologist session is happening on Saturday, February 8 from 9-10 am. This is for parents and caregivers with deaf and hard of hearing children of all ages.
* Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que la sesión virtual Pregunte a un audiólogo se llevará a cabo el sábado 8 de febrero de 9 a 10 a. m. Esto es para padres y cuidadores de niños sordos y con problemas de audición de todas las edades.
* Bring your coffee or tea and questions & topics to ask Alison and Kalie and meet other families. E-mail kalie.buchman@childrens.harvard.edu to receive the Zoom link.
Traiga su café o té y preguntas y temas para preguntarle a Alison y Kalie y conocer a otras familias. Envíe un correo electrónico a kalie.buchman@childrens.harvard.edu para recibir el enlace de Zoom.
To register or for more information visit  https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1039741348193130&set=a.661059509394651  or e-mail Kalie at kalie.buchman@childrens.harvard.edu to confirm your attendance and receive the Zoom link. 


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