June 7, 2025 all-day

Self Advocates Adult with Disabilities in Massachusetts Employment Job WorkBrookline, MA, 2024 & 2025, with the Massachusetts’ Down Syndrome Congress. MDSC Advocates in Motion (AIM) program provides fun, inclusive, interactive events for teens and young adults with Down syndrome ages 13 to 22.
* AIM participants develop self-advocacy and leadership skills, form relationships with peers, and begin to develop their own vision for a meaningful future.
* AIM Meetup activities will vary and include fitness, art, games, dance and more,
* AIM Meetup Dates: September 7th, November 2nd, January 4th, April 5th, June 7th
* Registration: Option 1: Register up front for all 5 AIM Meetups at a discounted rate of $75.00.
* Option 2: Register individually for each for AIM Meetup, $20.00 per session. Registration and Meetup details will be made available in monthly Teen & Adult Newsletters.
* Scholarships are available. Contact bharvey@mdsc.org.
Registration is REQUIRED to   aim@mdsc.org or 781-221-0024             

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