January 28, 2024 – April 10, 2024 all-day

Singing for Special Needs Adults in MassachusettsNewton, January 18th 2024, with the JCC of Greater Boston. Fuel your creativity with movement, music, and mindfulness.  This class provides a multisensory environment and playful blend of modalities that invite teens to connect with their bodies, express their feelings, and celebrate one another.
* Hannah’s adaptive classes empower learners of all styles & strengths, prioritizing authentic relationship-building, community belonging, and social-emotional learning.
* This class will be able to accommodate all dancers through physical and behavior modifications.
* If your child requires specific accommodations or a scholarship, please let us know so that we can support you.
* An intake process is required to register for this class
Fees apply, registration required to www.bostonjcc.org/calendar/winter-music-and-movement-12-15-yrs-sundays-adaptive-class/2024-01-28/or contact the Inclusion Department before registering: inclusion@jccgb.org or 617-558-6557.


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