January 21, 2021 all-day

Emotional Teen Class and Support Group for Anxiety in Greater Massachusetts Adolescents and Anxiety: Effective Communication Workshop in Greater BostonWebinar, January 21st, 2021, with a social support center in Boxborough, MA. Free. Now, more than ever, children are experiencing anxiety that they may not have before life changed.
* Anxiety in children may present itself as a behavior problem and you may have noticed an uptick in, or new behaviors, during virtual learning.
* This workshop will explore anxiety in children and its impact on behavior. Hear how to recognize anxiety, the questions to ask and strategies to help a child manage their worries without the need for acting out.
* Discuss the challenges of anxious children including rigid thinking, the need to control their environment and perfectionism.
Registration is required to https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehic77i32e8e8334&oseq=&c=a14da7a0-1d35-11e3-a8aa-d4ae528eade9&ch=fce62440-664f-11e7-a843-d4ae52724810 or contact dshea.peterpancenter@gmail.com

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