Webinar, March 31st, 2021, 10:30 a.m. with the New England ADA Center. Free. Hear about the rights of people with disabilities to have service animals in various environments with Jason Angel, ADA Information Specialist, Trainer, and Researcher for the New England ADA Center. Service animals will be examined through the lens of intersecting laws including: The Americans with Disabilities Act, The Fair Housing Act, and The Air Carrier Access Act. The session will cover the definition of:
- a service animal & what inquiries may be made
- when documentation of disability-related need is permitted
- emotional support animals, miniature horses and animals-in-training
Registration is required to www.eventbrite.com/e/service-animals-an-overview-of-the-ada-and-other-disability-rights-laws-tickets-145321852573. For questions and to request accommodations such as closed captioning, contact adainfo@NewEnglandADA.org or 617-695-0085 by March 25th, 2021.