January 28, 2021 all-day

Webinar, January 28th, 2021, 12 noon, with The Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services and The Arc of Massachusetts. Caregiving Around the Clock – National Family Caregivers Month – celebrated each November – is a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country, a time to celebrate the contributions of caregivers and provide them with tools that they need.
 * January 28th, 2021 – Caregiver Power Hour. Strategies and a group discussion facilitated by Michael Bloom.
* Michael Bloom currently serves as Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer with Incompass Human Services and is author of the book, The Accident Caregiver’s Survival Guide: Your Roadmap to Caregiving without Regret.
* Michael is family and professional caregiver, and serves guide to caregivers and health and human services
* This series will extend through March 2021.
* Many sessions will also be recorded and made available on demand via YouTube if you are unable to attend.
For all dates and topics or for registration information, visit https://thearcofmass.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Caregiving-Around-the-Clock.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2qmQI-fo9iapcuogKh2xZtqrRfvoqj9hs92pJMlPJGsThzcaVTKsz3UhA  or contact (781) 891-6270 or arcmass@arcmass.org

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