September 26, 2023 all-day

Emotional sad boy Family Mental Health Support Group in Cambridge and Boston NAMI (2)Webinar, September 26th, 2023, with the Parent Professional Advocacy League (PPAL) of Massachusetts. Our children’s mental health system had gaps and flaws before the pandemic. COVID-19 only made things worse.
* However, there are growing efforts to make improvements in schools, insurance, crisis care and family support.
* Get updated on new and current resources, news, legislative changes and advocacy efforts that affect youth and families.
RSVPs required to  https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejyngl6b7c08d022&oseq=&c=59514330-4233-11e3-9b3c-782bcb740129&ch=73a0fda0-61a8-11e7-bc35-d4ae52754db0   or contact PPAL Training, Parent/Professional Advocacy League or (866)815-8122, training@ppal.net  

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