April 29, 2020 all-day

Executive Function & Reading for High School Ages : Webinar for Massachusetts Special Needs FamiliesApril 29th, 2020, 4 p.m. EST, with RESEARCHILD of Lexington, MA. Free. Teachers, parents, and students need executive function strategies as everyone is quickly adjusting to the rapidly changing pace of remote and home-based learning. This webinar will assist in learning more about supporting the executive function needs of students from elementary school through college.
*  The crucial role of executive function processes becomes even more important as students progress through middle and high school when they are expected to master complex skills in reading comprehension, summarizing, note-taking, and multi-stage writing projects. Beyond decoding spelling, and vocabulary, successful reading requires that students be able to identify main ideas, topics, and supporting details in order to summarize and analyze what they are reading.
* Without strategies that help students meet the executive function demands of reading, students will struggle with reading comprehension, note taking, essays, standardized tests and more.
* Speakers & Topic:  The Director of the SMARTS Executive Function Programs and Director of Reading at the Institute for Learning and Development, will explore how executive function strategies can be used to help students tackle challenging reading material. is helping to close equity and achievement gaps.
To register or for more information visit  https://smarts-ef.org/upcoming-executive-function-webinars/  or contact jcutler@researchild.org


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