March 4, 2021 – May 27, 2021 all-day

Special Olympics Live Young Athletes Story Time Summer Series Webinar Computer African AmericanVirtual Storytime Recreation, through May 27th, 2021, with Special Olympics Massachusetts. Join SOMA for their Young Athletes Story Time series for ages 2-12 years. SOMA will be reading a fun book each week with light movements to go along with the stories.
* Parents and their children will alternate each week reading the stories that the group choose from.
To register or for more information visit www.specialolympicsma.org/what-we-do/real-sports-experience/young-athletes-program/  or https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqdO2urTkjH9yuR01qa9HhkmWPkSJs5XNw  or contact eric.archambault@specialolympicsma.org

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