You spend a lot of time helping your special-needs child, not only with receiving services, but staying on the “right path” in life. However my son always seems to find a different path, no matter how well laid out I think my plans or “right path” might be for him.
   That example came to light again just recently, when he began a taking a bus to the Day Hab program he attends. Typically, the rest of the family would walk on the sidewalk and then amble down the driveway to catch a ride.
   Instead, every day I see his foot prints across the lawn, either diagonal or parallel to the sidewalk. Not following anyone else’s path but his own. And it made me realize that this will be his truth – footsteps that can’t – or won’t – follow mine or the rest of society’s.
   Perhaps what gets lost in all the advocating and planning, is that that their path is not yours, or anyone else’s. His footsteps. His path. Predictable yet unpredictable. And how do I help him with that?
Sharon Marie 

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