January 17, 2023 all-day

Webinar for Special-Needs Families in MassachusettsVirtual and In Person Training, Application deadline – January 17th, 2023. Free. MassFamilies empowers families through training, support, and advocacy for their loved ones with disabilities to live an enviable life.
January 21st, 2023: virtual
January 27th & 28th
February 10th & 11th
March 11th: virtual
March 25th: virtual
April 14th & 15th
Topics typically include (please confirm with the host):

  • Family Support Movement – History of leadership, advocacy, self-advocacy, systems of care, where we are now and where we want to go.
  • Creating A Vision – Families are supported to imagine better and create a vision with and for their family members that will inform leadership and advocacy.
  • Policy-Making – Legislative Policy Making and the Critical Role of the Family Voice. Accessing and influencing resources, policies and funding streams that work for all.

Expected Outcomes typically include (please confirm with the host):

  • Affirming the value of families and their ability to create change
  • Providing inspirational speakers who have demonstrated family leadership qualities and initiative
  • Thinking creatively and developing a vision for your loved one
  • Accessing and influencing resources, policies and funding streams that work for all
  • Teaching you the guiding principles of Chapter 171 The Family Support Law
  • Understanding State Laws and budgets (how they affect family and disability supports) and how to influence those funding streams
  • The importance of self-care

To register for the application or for more information visit  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiLOQ-2P-brG5W2F4pbnJ7_T7u1MIu08NUbm781SMjb5Vb0g/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0bkMHXknO8gGFF2Vorw1bUOqiDxW4fy_l1ro6SIchDwcqxn1VgjD3S09U or contact Haran Phaneuf, MassFamilies Central Regional Coordinator, haranphaneuf@mcsnet.org, 602.790.4657

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