April 27, 2021 all-day

WEbinar: RESILIENCE! The Key to Every Child’s Success with the Children's Trust Fund of MassachusettsWebinar, April 27th, 2021, with a Massachusetts based consultant. Free workshop open to the community.  Help! My Kid Doesn’t Want to Go to School! will cover what to do when kids have major morning meltdowns, are afraid to go to school, or can’t seem to go at all.
* Feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to handle school anxiety, avoidance, or refusal?
* Join in as Lauren Bellon shares what she has  learned from parenting two kids through these challenges, and from her own childhood school refusal experiences.
To register or for more information visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMlde-vrT8tHNUhQzcIkHSwRDJ4MnzGIcHG?fbclid=IwAR04wlfPmDKmDlKsw-vIrLK6BJzsGjXGVKa0xMhxbCIFKmusXe-ffas4AGc   or contact lauren.bellon@gmail. com

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