Webinar, February 5, 2021, 10:00 am, with the Special Needs Advocacy Network of MA. Developing a Safety Plan in the IEP:Connecting the Dots and Learning how to Pivot, with be presented by guest speaker Carrie Noseworthy, , founder of a A Safer Me.
* This presentation is a deeper dive into the safety plan document than is done in “Safety and the IEP”.
* Deconstruct the meaning of the word “safety” and participants will learn how this document can best be used as a tool to increase the safety of a child, thereby increasing the safety of all children and educators that interact with them in the school environment.
* Discuss ways to ensure that the creation of the plan actually addresses root causes of behavior and is not just a boiler plate template to reinforce disciplinary rules of the school.
* Discuss what should be included in the plan, how to best ensure that it is accessible, followed and when it should be revised and referred to in the IEP.
* Discuss conversations to have with the IEP team because this is not a document that should be created without input from a parent or caregiver if it is to be successful.
* Talk about the importance of creating a document that can be easily understood and implemented by all stakeholders.
* Discuss the importance of the child understanding what is in the safety plan and how it works; how to avoid known triggers and pitfalls.
* Talk about ways to bring in outside providers and stakeholders to work towards generalizing safety to home and community and ways in which the topic of safety can be expanded upon.
Fees apply, registration is required by February 2nd, 2021, to http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ehgb5zy86fd148e2&llr=pxn6x5iab&showPage=true or Ned deBary, Special Needs Advocacy Network, Inc., (508) 655-7999, info@spanmass.org