October 9, 2018 all-day

School cut Executive Function workshop in Greater BostonFramingham, October 9th, 2018. Free and open to the public. Michael Delman is the author of Your Kid’s Gonna Be Okay: Building the Executive Function Skills Your Child Needs in the Age of Attention. Mr. Delman  founded Beyond BookSmart, previously Thinking Outside the Classroom.  Michael is also the co-founder of the McAuliffe Regional Charter Public School in Framingham.
*  We are now in the Age of Attention, where the key skills are the ability to choose priorities, stay focused, and get things done amidst an infinity of distractions. These skills are generally known as Executive Function skills.
* These self-management skills are needed by anyone who wants to feel a degree of control over their lives. Children need to learn how to make good decisions and develop the motivation and skills to stay focused on those things that truly matter to them in the Age of Attention.
* Parents can teach these skills. In this presentation, parents will learn tips and tools from a lifelong educator and expert in Executive Function intervention – and reassurance that their kids will be okay when equipped with the skills they need today and for the future.
To RVSP or for more information visit www.facebook.com/events/2175303662741230/ o 

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