April 10, 2018 all-day

first responders, police, MP900440905Chelmsford, April 1oth, 2018. Free and open to any parent or guardian of a children with an intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorderThe ALEC (Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition) Program helps foster a deeper understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) among public safety and law enforcement personnel.
*  Captain Bill Cannata, Statewide Project Coordinator, and a Groton Police Officer will teach caregivers about safety measures we all should know.
* As fathers of children who have autism, they have the personal experience as well.
* Captain Cannata will discuss what parents roles are in emergency situations, how to inform local First Responder agencies about your child’s diagnosis, and other things to consider in emergency and safety situations.
Registration is required to rprice@lifelinksinc.net

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