September 22, 2021 all-day

Sam Farmer Author of a Long Walk Down a Winding Road Boston Massachusetts Speaking Event (2)Peabody, MA, September 22nd, 2021. Hosted by the Autism Resource Center of the Northeast Arc. A conversation with author, blogger, coach, and autistic adult, Sam Farmer. Sam is a resident Massachusetts, who obtained a late diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome.
* Sam Farmer’s first book, A Long Walk Down a Winding Road – Small Steps, Challenges, & Triumphs Through an Autistic Lens, and his blogs, videos and public presentations, comprise what he calls his “paying it forward mission”, inspired by his deceased parents. When his mother passed away, he could no longer pay her back for all she had done to help him move forward, so he decided instead to “pay it forward” to others who might benefit from his ideas and insights, and to do so in her memory. 
* Sam Farmer wears many hats, among these, father, husband, musician, computer consultant, and autism
spectrum community contributor. He writes blogs and articles, records coaching videos, and presents at conferences, sharing what he has learned with the intent of helping others help themselves.
* Proof of COVID 19 vaccination is required for this event. Mask wearing will be enforced for attendees in common areas. 
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